Change Is A Journey But A Personal One

Change Is A Journey But A Personal One

By Lee Houghton

Lee's latest episode explores the concept of change as a journey, emphasising the individual nature of each person's experience. Lee discusses various models like the Kubler-Ross change curve and Bridges transition model, highlighting the importance of understanding people's past experiences and emotions when leading change initiatives. The episode underscores the significance of making individuals feel positive, safe, and supported throughout the change process, ultimately expressing the need for empathy and gradual progress in navigating the complexities of change.


Change is a journey that individuals go through, and it is important to understand each person's unique journey.

Resistance to change often stems from past experiences and habits that individuals are comfortable with.

Making people feel positive, safe, and supported is crucial when leading and delivering change initiatives.

Change requires breaking old habits or creating new ones, which can be challenging but necessary for progress.

Understanding where people are coming from, collectively working towards a common destination, and moving forward gradually are key aspects of successful change management.


"Change is not easy because we are creatures of habit. Every single day, the majority of the things that we do are habitual."

"We need to make people feel positive. We need to make people feel safe. We need to make people feel supported." 

"Everybody is on a journey. Not everybody wants to be on a journey. We may face resistance." 

"Change is a journey for everybody... Changing anything is often not like flicking a switch." 

"Mayor Angelou said, 'I'll forget what you did, I'll forget what you said, but I'll never forget how you made me feel.'"


You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194

For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

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