The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

By Radio America

Today, Jim and Greg do wall-to-wall coverage of Saturday's attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. They discuss the miracle of Trump's survival, the suspicious details coming out about how the Secret Servicefailed to stop the shooter before he fired, and a mainstream media that will always find a way to attack Trump, even as he recovers from an attempt on his life.

First, they take a few moments to express gratitude for Trump's survival. Jim points out that mere microseconds made the difference between what could have been one of the darkest moments in our nation's history, and the survival of our former president.

Next, they point to the very obvious need to beef up the quality of the Secret Service, which failed to secure an obvious security concern with a clear line of sight to Trump. Officers also did not respond to the threat of the gunman climbing onto the roof until he began firing. Jim recalls many instances of lax, unprofessional behavior on the part of the Secret Service in the past, and hopes that this near-disaster will lead to a serious investigation of the agency.

Finally, they facepalm at how the media handled coverage of the shooting, starting with their hesitancy to call the shooting a shooting even though video footage made that clear. They also slam prominent reporters for criticizing Trump's initial reaction to being shot and his perfectly normal statement a short time later. And Jim and Greg discuss Morning Joe being pre-empted this morning, reportedly because NBC wanted to avoid any of the guests making an inappropriate comment.
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