Lan Nguyen-Grealis - The Unconventional Story of A Superstar Makeup Artist

Lan Nguyen-Grealis - The Unconventional Story of A Superstar Makeup Artist

By Global Media & Entertainment

In this episode I get to know the exceptionally talented makeup artist Lan Nguyen-Grealis aka Lans London.

Lan is a world renownded artist and is the woman behind many of the most famous faces around including Raye and Paloma Faith.

During the episode we chat about Lan's incredible journey and how this self taught artist went from doing makeovers for women who were having professional photos taken to becoming one of the most coveted makeup artists in the world.

Lan Nguyen-Grealis - The Unconventional Story of A Superstar Makeup Artist
Lan Nguyen-Grealis - The Unconventional Story of A Superstar Makeup Artist
Outspoken Beauty