Ilaria Bernardini is happy being the forest

Ilaria Bernardini is happy being the forest

By Standard Issue

Italian author Ilaria Bernardini is a big deal in her home country. And rightly so. Her latest novel in English, We Will Be Forest, was longlisted for Italy’s presitigious Strega Prize when it originally came out in 2018, and she’s received a tankload of plaudits for her works for the page and screen. In this episode, Mick’s chatting to Ilaria about the pain, hope and renewal of change, particularly in relationships and events that affect our physical health, the invisible lines that connect us all – and what part plants and nature can play in all of that.  We Will Be Forest is translated by Livia Franchini, published by Whitefox and out now. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Ilaria Bernardini is happy being the forest
Ilaria Bernardini is happy being the forest
Standard Issue Podcast