Was I Too Hard on Apple?

Was I Too Hard on Apple?

By Mark Asquith

Last week I discussed the new Apple Podcasts Subscriptions and why I thought it was restrictive to podcasters looking to build a business.

My main bone of contention is the lack of ability that creators have to ask their buyers whether that buyer wants to let the creator stay in touch via email.

But was I too harsh in my assessment?

I'm a business person first. I have been since I was 23 and since then I've only failed to pay my mortgage once.

It was in 2012. We were running our design and digital agency, maybe a year before I started podcasting.

We had some great clients and big retainers but we got let down one month on payment by one of those retainers and, because we'd invested heavily in building out the team during that quarter, the late payment made our directors' salaries two weeks late.

That was ok. A quick call to the mortgage company explaining and all was well.

But it scared me. The agency was my sole source of income and that single event was the entire catalyst for me doing what I do today and how I do it today.

I set my businesses up with three goals:

1. Be profit first

aka. Never rely on investment and build the business model to make money from day one so that...

2. I can look after my team and my family

If I'm burning money as a business then stress appears. In a profit-first business, that doesn't happen because you're able to pay everyone fairly from day one.

Podcast Websites was in profit from day one. Captivate was in profit from day one.

3. Serve my customers better than anyone else, period

Being profit first means that I can focus on serving you 100% of the time, not chasing money because I have bills to pay.

This often surprises people. 

Take Captivate for example. People assume that because we're technically a startup that we must have investment and that we must be burning through that investment, ready to make money in year three, four or five.


Kieran and I built Captivate between us. That's it, no one else built the platform and we did it with long days and very late nights.

When we launched, Captivate was making money from day one.

I say this not to sound like I'm blowing our own trumpets, I say this because it's how I approach everything that I create.

With that mindset, I can make decisions that will lead to success. I've practiced it enough now that I have a fair intuition on decision making, have confidence in my goals and know when to say "no".

I also know what I need to do to build businesses.

Primarily I need to build genuine, long-lasting friendships that are not for business but that can develop into relationships that will help everyone. 

That's why I spend so much of my own time being jet-lagged, up at 1 am for a flight and generally looking like mould after travelling for over a day to get to podcast conferences. I have deep deep friendships with people there.

And I do the same with "customers". There are so many people who use Captivate that I see socially - and that's not some online entrepreneurial bullshit, it's actually happening.

Kipper, Phylecia, Paul Ince, Chris Ducker, Mike & Callie and good lord, Raf...

That's a teeny tiny amount of them and they use Captivate because they knew me before that and know that if I say something, I'm good for it.

What the heck has this got to do with Apple?

I spoke to another couple of friends of mine who are in podcasting over on Twitter Spaces this week and, without naming...

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