Apple Podcasts Changes Incrementally Improve Podcasting

Apple Podcasts Changes Incrementally Improve Podcasting

By Mark Asquith

If you've ever seen or heard me talk about the Listener Acquisition Flow at Podcast Movement, Podfest or on my show, you know that I've long struggled with the word "subscribe" in podcasting.

I started considering it a few years ago when watching the Infinite Dial by Edison Research and Triton and I was reminded of it again last week when watching the 2021 event, too.

"Subscribe" IS a problem in podcasting and despite shouty OG podcasters saying it's not, times have changed and it really is a small problem with big connotations.

But why?

Since podcasting "started" back in the mid-noughties, the world has changed.

No longer are magazines and newspapers the only things that we subscribe to. Instead, Amazon Prime, Netflix plus any one of a thousand subscription boxes and once-boxed-up software platforms now exist on a monthly or annual subscription basis and take our money in a recurring pattern.

And they all focus on us owning a subscription.

When we throw into the mix that podcasters generally aren't great marketers (that's ok, by the way), the word "Subscribe" is thrown around way too often in a ploy to get prospective listeners to listen to more of our show.

Setting aside that that approach just doesn't work very well in marketing your show (for more on that, you really should check out the Listener Acquisition Flow), for the casual listener (the very people who will help podcasting to grow) the word "subscribe" alludes to having to pay for a podcast in 2021.

As I said earlier, some OG podcasters have had a bit of a cry about this, saying things like "No one has ever asked me if you have to pay to listen!" (to paraphrase) and while I understand that, it's also representative of podcasting's bigger issues: podcasting isn't yours anymore, OG, it's for everyone and it has moved on - move with it or stagnate, that's your choice, but the "good old days" are done.

If podcasting is to thrive it has to be more accessible and thankfully, Apple has made a small but significant change to help new people to understand that "subscribing" isn't about paying.


By changing the "Subscribe" button in Apple Podcasts to say "Follow", instead, just like Spotify.

What does this mean for you as a podcaster?

To answer that, we need to actually look at the prospective listener, for whom a barrier has been lifted: regardless of whether you think the word "subscribe" implies payment is required or not, ambiguity no longer exists and in marketing, the absence of ambiguity leads to positive results.

People know what to do when ambiguity disappears. Life becomes easier because there's zero education required to show people that that "Subscribe" means something different in podcasting than in Netflix, Amazon and other recurring worlds.

"Subscribe" really only exists, anyway, in podcasting because that's the nomenclature associated with RSS feeds - it's an old overhang from a time when podcasting was for the geeks like me and not for the on-demand generation who just want what they want.

Another huge problem for the prospective listener has been removed, too, though: the burden of staying up to date.

In my Listener Acquisition Flow talk I posit that a listener is different to a fan: a listener is someone who dips into your show and listens now and then; a fan is someone who won't miss an episode even if their ears are on fire.

We all want fans, but the majority of our listeners are just that - listeners.

They probably don't listen to every podcast episode that we put out (sorry) and in fact, when I ran some research before launching The...

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