Explode Your Podcast Growth

Explode Your Podcast Growth

By Mark Asquith

That episode title right there, that's called a "bait and a switch".

I have no intention of teaching you how to explode anything.

Annoyed? Close the email now, it's cool.

Or don't, your call.

But you see, this is an experiment: will people who don't usually open these Monday emails open this one because of that subject line?

If so, what did they expect to find?

A proven method for podcasting success?

A roadmap to 10x your downloads?

A path to podcasting superstardom?

The more I type this, the more these things begin to feel like subject lines, too - subject lines intended to sell something to you.

Most of these types of subject line are specifically constructed to appeal to your sense of anxiety and are intended to be set alongside an email that introduces scarcity and urgency with a healthy dose of FOMO (fear of missing out) thrown in, too.

Let me show you:

Ready to explode your podcast growth and 10x your revenue with this proven roadmap? The very roadmap that I use myself to lead the life I choose?

You can access that roadmap instantly if you act right now and choose to take action to work with people just like you who are boosting their revenue as we speak! 

Access these podcast growth secrets right now (number two will shock you!).

That's hardcore marketing patter with underlying NLP practices included to make you feel like you're understood, you're heard and that the seller is aligning with you in such a way that they must have the answer to why, despite all of your efforts, you're not achieving the success that they have.

95% of the time it's complete BS.

But... I DO want to explode my podcast growth 

Hey, doesn't everyone?

The problem is that by its very definition, the word explode isn't so great...

Explode: 1. burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, excessive internal pressure, or other process. 2. (of a violent emotion or a situation) arise or develop suddenly. (from Oxford Languages)

Erm... no thanks.

I was in a Twitter chat with two people I admire very much this weekend and we were having a laugh about Clubhouse being full of this type of marketer right now and heck, podcasting being full of this type of marketer period.

A few hours later I was cutting the hedge outside (something I suck at by the way, never ask me for a haircut) and was thinking through the reasons why podcasters want to "explode" their growth.

I came to two logical assumptions. 

Firstly, podcasters want to explode their growth because they want to earn a fair bit of money through their podcast. I'm totally in for that. I like money as much as you - there is nothing wrong with wanting to earn good money through your podcast.

Secondly, they don't know how to break the plateau they're seeing in their podcast growth so when they're hit with big, powerful verbs like "explode" it gets them curious - what's the secret that they're missing but that everyone else seems to know about?

Let me tell you an actual secret (no, no, not a time-bound marketing secret that'll cost you $47 (down from $10,000) if you act now)

Most of the people teaching you how to "explode" anything don't really know how to do it.

I'm not just being cynical here, I'm being serious.

The people who know how to explode growth in anything are really busy exploding growth in their thing - not selling courses or spending fifty hours a week on Clubhouse trying to convince people they know how to do it.

I know of entrepreneurs, online celebrities and many more...

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