Paris Marx is joined by Dharna Noor to discuss widely-held misconceptions about the effectiveness of plastic recycling and how industry lobbies invented them to protect the market for plastic products.
Dharna Noor is the fossil fuels and climate reporter at The Guardian.
Tech Won’t Save Us offers a critical perspective on tech, its worldview, and wider society with the goal of inspiring people to demand better tech and a better world. Support the show on Patreon.
The podcast is made in partnership with The Nation. Production is by Eric Wickham. Transcripts are by Brigitte Pawliw-Fry.
Also mentioned in this episode:
On Friday, March 8, Paris will be speaking with Ed Ongweso Jr. and Brian Merchant about Dune: Part Two and its connection to the growing Luddite movement. Watch it on
our YouTube channel at 11am PT / 2pm ET / 7pm GMT.Our conversation was based in part on the Center for Climate Integrity’s new report called “
The Fraud of Plastic Recycling.”Dharna reported
on that report and has previously written about plastic materials
ending up in landfills, fashion’s
use of plastic, and the problem with
replacing plastics with other disposables.In 2018, Barack Obama
said, “That whole ‘suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas,’ that was me, people.New research has found microplastics in the
placentas of unborn babies. The science isn’t settled on the effects on microplastics on human health, but there’s
reason to be concerned.
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