Ep 166. Alice Snedden - TM NZ S1. Ep 5

Ep 166. Alice Snedden - TM NZ S1. Ep 5

By Avalon

This week Ed speaks the multi-hyphenate brilliant talent that is Alice Snedden! Alice brings great insights from watching her mates compete on this first series of Taskmaster New Zealand, and also clarifies some of the cultural references such as (but not limited to) what are the Pink and White Terraces?

Alice joins us from Edinburgh, where you can catch her Highly Credible show every day (except the 14th) at 8:10pm https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/alice-snedden-highly-credible?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwae1BhC_ARIsAK4JfrzgaucDd1nRu6rloeBbmTpyA9jPdiLZKBA6_Mv9sV5kSfRx0J7gg9EaAqgNEALw_wcB

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