Walking The Line: Personal Growth, Family, and Entrepreneurship
Welcome to a new episode of Business Lunch! Today, Roland Frasier and Ryan Deiss discuss the real-life challenges of entrepreneurship, personal growth, and finding that elusive work-life balance. They emphasize the importance of maintaining non-work activities for a fulfilling life. Discover practical strategies for financial resilience, the power of fresh perspectives in business, and the myth of work-life balance. Tune in for an honest conversation that goes beyond the usual “everything's great” facade and provides actionable advice for thriving in both business and life.
Highlights:"Anybody who, when you ask them like, 'Oh, how's it going?' If they're always like, 'great,' you're probably not that close to them."
"It's very possible to be self-employed or start a business from scratch and still have a family life. You will work differently than a nine to five typical job."
"There's a big difference between being an entrepreneur and being self-employed. You have to be responsible for the allocation of your time."
Timestamps:00:00 - Real Talk on Entrepreneurship
00:18 - Reflecting On New Year's Resolutions
01:14 - Honest Conversations
02:10 - Cash Reserves Strategy
03:31 - Operating Expenses Reserve
06:26 - Andy Jassy's Leadership at Amazon
09:10 - Setting a Rallying Theme
11:07 - Metrics and Goals
12:34 - Work-Life Balance Myth
15:27 - Time Management for Entrepreneurs
• Ask Roland a question HERE.
• 7 Steps to Scalable workbook
• Get my book, Zero Down, FREE
To learn more about Roland Frasier 👉 https://msha.ke/rolandfrasier/
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