Q&A Special: Olympic secrets & escaping the shadow of the Premier League

Q&A Special: Olympic secrets & escaping the shadow of the Premier League

By Global

On today's episode, The Sports Agents answer your questions on everything from the Olympic event they'd fancy themselves in, to how all the brilliant sport we enjoyed in Paris, can hope to survive in the shadow of a new Premier League season!

Unconscious bias in judging, the competition between rival broadcasters, how to cram to cover a sport you've never watched before and more...

Get in touch with us at thesportagents@global.com

Executive Producer: Adonis Pratsides

Video Producer: Sam Trudgill

Social Media Editor: Calum Scotland

Tom Hughes is Editor for The News Agents podcast network

Vicky Etchells is the Commissioning Editor for Global 

You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The Sports Agents".

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Q&A Special: Olympic secrets & escaping the shadow of the Premier League
Q&A Special: Olympic secrets & escaping the shadow of the Premier League
The Sports Agents