An Oldie But A Goodie: Louisa Young from Series 1
In another classic from the NMF Archive, Cally talks to British novelist, songwriter, and journalist Louisa Young about addiction, alcoholism, rehab, love, life, food, books, writing, music, creativity, mothers, daughters and her memoir: ‘You Left Early’.
TWITTER: @rileypurefoy
INSTAGRAM: @louisalouisayoung
Louisa's memoir You Left Early
And novel Lion Boy
Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
The Hoovering podcast
Another Round
Action on Addiction, Clouds House
Alcoholics Anonymous
More about Cally
Instagram: @callybeatoncomedian
Twitter: @callybeaton
Produced by Mike Hanson for Pod People Productions
Instagram: @podpeopleuk
Music by Jake Yapp
Cover art by Jaijo
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