Energy firms rapped for bad customer service... while still making mega profits

Energy firms rapped for bad customer service... while still making mega profits

By This is Money

Energy firms have had their feet held to the fire this week.

The industry as a whole has been blasted by the regulator Ofgem over poor customer service, while our investigation revealed that 200 customers don't think Ovo has been billing them properly.

Meanwhile, British Gas has been in the spotlight for its bumper profits, which jumped by a whopping 889 per cent for the first half of this year. 

These firms are certainly making plenty of money - so should they be spending more of it to help their customers?

Lee Boyce, Helen Crane and Georgie Frost ask why things are going so wrong, and what people can do if they don't think they are being billed correctly. 

We also look at what's going on with bank accounts. Crisis-hit Natwest is winning the switching battle thanks to its tasty cash incentives, and it’s not just Farage being 'de-banked'.

We hear the story of one vulnerable couple who were left unable to pay bills and buy food after HSBC closed their account.

Inheritance tax has also been in the news, as there are noises it might be scrapped - but the Treasury are raking in even more money from it. Will it go?

Finally, we explain what blended families need to know about making a will - after one woman was forced to bid for her late mother's belongings at auction when her stepfather amended their mirror wills after she had died.  
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