Will you own up to your investing mistakes?

Will you own up to your investing mistakes?

By This is Money

Mistakes. We all make them, but whether we will admit them freely often depends on what they are and how we made them.

Investing mistakes can be among those that are tough to swallow and own up to. Often the easiest thing is to brush them under the carpet and try not to think about it too much.

But looking at where we went wrong and learning from it is an important part of long-term investing.

On this week’s podcast Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert discuss investing blunders. Simon confesses some of his and what he thinks he’s learnt from them over the years, the team look at new research on why people give up investing and how big a part loss aversion plays in that.

And This is Money invites listeners to get in touch and reveal their investing slip-ups to feature in a future show (no names need to be mentioned, of course).

Also on this week’s show, is the Bank of England flirting with negative rates or just indulging in Maradona monetary policy?

And what on earth is an estate rent charge on a prospective new home and should it put you off?

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