It's crunch time for Brexit, but should you protect your finances or try to profit?

It's crunch time for Brexit, but should you protect your finances or try to profit?

By This is Money

It’s crunch time for Brexit and things could go one of three ways.

Theoretically, a no-deal Brexit shouldn’t be able to happen and the Prime Minister has to ask for an extension instead, but we are faced with the bizarre prospect of the Government saying it might be able to dodge the law… and so maybe no-deal could still happen.

And then, of course, there is the possibility that instead of no-deal or an extension, we actually get a deal.

Amid all this, we’ve had news that the UK economy slowed earlier this year and fresh fears over recession, global trade war worries have stepped up a bit, an election’s on the cards, the stock market’s been tumbling and interest rates are going to head down not up.

So, is it time to batten down the hatches, or should you be optimistic and aim to be greedy while others are fearful?

On this week’s podcast, Simon Lambert, Tanya Jefferies and Georgie Frost look at what the latest episode in the Brexit soap opera means for our money, from savings and investments, to mortgages and holiday money.

They also discuss the question of whether it is too late to protect your finances against no-deal?

Also on this week’s show, the women’s state pension age case defeat and what it means, the almost certain 4 per cent rise for the state pension next year, and what Drastic Dave’s departure from Tesco means for the UK’s biggest supermarket.

And finally, you might fancy a classic car but think you can’t afford one – but the team have got ten bargain cars tipped for future classic status that put one in reach (and Simon explains how man maths means they’re almost free).

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