Inheritance Tax is the most hated of all taxes – should it be overhauled?

Inheritance Tax is the most hated of all taxes – should it be overhauled?

By This is Money

It's official: IHT is the country's most hated tax. That's according to the Office of Tax Simplification, who have been looking into the quirks of the system at the request of the Chancellor.

What needs to change – and could a Labour plan, bubbling away in the background, really be the answer? Editor Simon Lambert, assistant editor Lee Boyce and host Georgie Frost take a look.

Whatever happens with IHT, most want to leave as much of their wealth as possible to loved ones when they pass away – so just how do you do it and how many bend the rules?

Elsewhere, we update on what's going on at Deutsche Bank as thousands of jobs across the globe are axed.

Eon goes green and says millions of its customers will now receive 100 per cent renewable electricity – but what does that mean?

And on the topic of green, we have details of the first all-electric Mini – how much will it cost, what is its range and most importantly... is it any good?

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