How safe is saving and how risky is investing?

How safe is saving and how risky is investing?

By This is Money

As banks went kaput a decade ago, the safety of our savings was thrust into the limelight.

Most had never considered that cash in the bank was at risk and knew little about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. When Icesave blew up a year after the Northern Rock collapse things changed dramatically.

We should all be up to speed now, but how safe are your savings?

On this week’s podcast, Simon Lambert, Tanya Jefferies and Georgie Frost we look at savings protection but also how you could end up losing money by sticking with cash.

Ironically, worries about banks a decade ago triggered a flight to safety and more people stashing money in savings accounts rather than investing.

But had people invested as Lehman Brothers collapsed they would have more than doubled their money by now.

Taking the risk as the world appeared to be falling apart would have been the right move. Yet, at that point the stock market was already down 20% and fell by that again before it hit the bottom, so how many would have been brave enough?

Also on this week’s show, we discuss how easy it might be to hit the £1million pension lifetime allowance sand whether your car might fail its next MOT.

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