Who's still watching the cricket?

Who's still watching the cricket?

By Global

With a half empty (or half full depending on your outlook) stadium at Lord's on the weekend, Gabby Logan and Mark Chapman are joined by journalist Tim Wigmore about why that may be. Are tickets prices too high? Have England invested enough in opponents?

And with Manchester United being the words on everyone's lips in the footballing world, The Athletic's Laurie Whitwell joins The Sports Agents to discuss the deeper problems at the club.

Executive Producer: Adonis Pratsides

Senior Producer: Adem Waterman

Video Producer: Sam Trudgill

Social Media Editor: Calum Scotland

Tom Hughes is Editor for The News Agents podcast network

Vicky Etchells is the Commissioning Editor for Global 

You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The Sports Agents".

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Who's still watching the cricket?
Who's still watching the cricket?
The Sports Agents