Rewiring Romantic Relationship Patterns

Rewiring Romantic Relationship Patterns

By Haley Hoffman Smith

In this juicy episode, we discuss the most common patterns in romantic relationships and how to bring awareness around them and rewire them. This is rooted in the concept of ATTACHMENT STYLES, which is the February 2024 theme in the Dreamaway membership (see events below). This episode will help you start to unpack the root causes of your main relationship patterns and learn how to rewire and heal them so you can experience more improved patterns - and a whole lot more peace and joy. Also, learn more about how your brain has conceptualized relationships and why the pattern occurs in the first place.

Doors to the Dreamaway membership open the 1-7 of every month. 

JOIN THE DREAMAWAY COMMUNITY 🌙 to connect with other spiritual dreamers and access a MASSIVE vault of manifestation and EFT tapping programming! 


February events:

90 MINUTE WORKSHOP: Healing Attachment Styles (Anxious/Avoidant) | Saturday, February 24th, 1-2:30pm ET

In this transformational 90 minute tapping workshop, we’ll be identifying and clearing the root case of any anxious or avoidant tendencies in relationships. Usually, these tendencies stem from early childhood experiences with our parents/caregivers that influence how we show up to relationships. Anxious attachment is classified by frequently feeling ‘needy,’ anxious in a partner’s absence, and needing extensive affirmation, validation, and reassurance of the relationship. Avoidant attachment is the opposite; a strong need for space, independence, and fear of intimacy marks an avoidant. Usually, the two attract each other, and we all tend to have aspects of both in different scenarios. We will be healing core memories in this powerful workshop to return to a space of more stability and security. 


MONEY DATE: Healing Attachment Styles in Money | Monday, February 19th 11:00-12pm ET

Just like we have attachment styles in relationships, we have them in MONEY, too! Anxious attachment with money can result in feelings of excessive worrying about money (even when all is well), continuous chasing of money, and feeling deeply insecure with money matters. Avoidant attachment with money may result in keeping money matters at an arm’s length out of fear of deepening intimacy with our financial situations, budgets, or money management. In this money date, we’ll be clearing these tendencies to return to a space of stability and peace financially. The goal is ALWAYS security and peace! 


VISUALIZATION: Inner Child Security | Monday, February 26th at 7:00-7:30pm ET

Because attachment styles are usually derived from early life experiences, it’s important to befriend our inner child and give them security as we heal! In this warm and healing visualization, you’ll be guided to be there for your inner child, which will create powerful transformation. 

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