Garth Mullins on Drug User Activism & Saving Lives with SAFE SUPPLY of the Drugs People Want

Garth Mullins on Drug User Activism & Saving Lives with SAFE SUPPLY of the Drugs People Want

By iHeartPodcasts and Protozoa

Vancouver’s drug policies are among the most progressive in North America but the city still suffers from high rates of fatal overdose, mostly involving fentanyl. Garth Mullins has been part of the drug scene in Vancouver for many years: as a former heroin consumer who now takes a daily dose of methadone; as a journalist who joined with other drug user activists in launching an award winning podcast, Crackdown, about the overdose crisis; and as a forceful advocate for allowing illicit drug users to obtain the drugs they want from legal sources outside the medical system. Sometimes Garth despairs that he’s just “documenting the apocalypse” and helping humanize drug users while having almost no impact on policy. I think he’s making a real difference.

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Garth Mullins on Drug User Activism & Saving Lives with SAFE SUPPLY of the Drugs People Want
Garth Mullins on Drug User Activism & Saving Lives with SAFE SUPPLY of the Drugs People Want