They Are Lying to You About Inflation | Parker Lewis
Inflation has been the hot topic, we've been hearing about it nonstop for the last two years because you see it, you feel it. It's getting harder and harder to live with the same income and your standard of living is going down. So a lot of us are asking about 'how do we hedge, how do we protect ourselves from inflation? What investments can I get into to increase my purchasing power?
The conversation I'm having today is with Parker Lewis and this interview is a little bit different because instead of asking and trying to protect yourself, we focus more on how do we create a new system, so we never have to worry about it again. We're going to dig into that and talk about the pros and the cons because there's a lot of negative beliefs that people have about this. We also go over what happens with economic growth, how the system works and so much more.
Parker Lewis Twitter: @parkeralewis
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