Obama Votes Present as Heroes Fight and Die at War in Afghanistan

Obama Votes Present as Heroes Fight and Die at War in Afghanistan

By The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: Let’s play audio sound bite number 16. CNN’s Anderson Cooper 180, with hardly any audience, which is why we’re going to play this bite for you, spoke with the international correspondent at CNN, Michael Ware. Cooper said, ‘Everybody seems to admit, look, there’s no military solution, and yet politically there’s hardly any civilians on the ground in a lot of these areas, and the Afghan government is riddled with corruption. We’re trying to bolster in these areas a government which has not represented its people.’

WARE: We’re not at the point where we could lose this war. This Taliban will continue to fight as long as US troops or foreign troops want to be there. So the whole idea is to put enough military pressure on the Taliban war machine to parlay that pressure at the negotiating table or to bring a political solution. Now, President Obama has to man up and decide: is he going to fight this war or is he going to oversee an American defeat.

RUSH: A CNN reporter says to Obama, man up or lose Afghanistan? Man up or lose? Or is he going to oversee an American defeat? What do you think the answer to the question is? He’s willing to oversee an American defeat. He came out and said victory is an uncomfortable word in Afghanistan. So, meanwhile, the general who Obama wants and who Obama appointed and who Obama got confirmed wants some more troops. Mr. President, you are not a state senator from Illinois. You are the commander-in-chief of the US military. Do your job. Drop the politics. We got heroes on the battlefield giving their last full measure of devotion to this country and you’re voting ‘present.’ All because he doesn’t want to upset the applecart, the precious balance in Congress on his health care bill — well, on a health care bill because of the radical left. And now The Politico is fascinated with who leaked this news that Obama’s not gonna come up with the troops that the general wants, who leaked that the general wants the troops. It’s the funniest thing. It’s the most incredible story.


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