Military Mom Outraged by Biden Claim We’re Losing in Afghanistan

Military Mom Outraged by Biden Claim We’re Losing in Afghanistan

By The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: Beverly in East Texas, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: East Texas blessings to you, Mr. Limbaugh.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: From a military mother of two, I’m wondering, sir, if I might shift your focus from the war on economy to the war that we are also fighting on another front. Might I do that, sir?

RUSH: You mean the war that Joe Biden says we’re losing?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: That would be the war in Afghanistan?

CALLER: On Saturday our president said we aren’t winning which I would assume our enemies assume that that means we’re losing, as we now hear more from Iran, North Korea, and all the other bullies that are lining up. I want to speak on behalf of military families. We have two children serving. My husband served in Vietnam, and he also served under Jimmy Carter despite (unintelligible) and the hippies spitting on him. But we have a son who serves. He’s been over eight or nine times. He’s home right now in Florida. We saw him last week, celebrated his 30th birthday with him. He went over right after the election and was there through Christmas, and, you know, the military honors its commander-in-chief and they’re not going to speak a word of dishonor because that’s their character, not his. And what we see happening is we military families are in great despair right now, and I’m wondering if you can give us some words of encouragement because we’re not through with this war. My son said one day, ‘We’re fighting a war while America’s at the mall or the movies.’

RUSH: I most definitely can give you words of encouragement.

CALLER: Well, I certainly appreciate that.

RUSH: I’ll tell you what my first words of encouragement would be in response to your legitimate concerns. When the commander-in-chief and the man-in-waiting, which in this case is Plugs Biden, when they’re both out there saying we’re losing

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