Housekeeping: Are You Really Happy with Gretchen Rubin

Housekeeping: Are You Really Happy with Gretchen Rubin

By iHeartPodcasts

 Kelly and Chip talk to New York Times Bestselling Author of The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin, about the internal deep dive of discovering whether or not your are truly living your happiest life. 

 "Research is actually 'me-search' for me. I wrote the Happiness Project because I was looking at my happy life and just wondering if there was more and could I be happier." 

Rubin points out how often we are going through our busy lives without pondering if the things we are doing are actually providing us with happiness. The author tells listeners the biggest blocks to happiness in our day to day routines, as well as describing the simple steps people can take daily to make their lives truly happier. This podcast is full of laughs and insights into the daily struggles of all human beings, while also putting listeners on a tangible track to build their best lives. 

Books: Find all of Gretchen's books here  
Podcast: Happier with Gretchen Rubin  
The Happier App
Socials: @gretchenrubin 

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