How the U.S. Could Cut Off Russia’s Tech Supply
Russia continues to make moves for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine with reports that troops are ready to go. In the meantime the U.S. is considering tougher sanctions and even going a step further with export control methods that could keep Russia from obtaining U.S. and foreign made tech. This would degrade industrial production in Russia by keeping things like commercial electronics, semiconductors, and aircraft parts out of their hands. Alexandra Alper, White House reporter at Reuters, joins us for more.
Next, new research shows that everything we see could be from 15 seconds in the past. Our eyes and brains create an illusion of stability so we don’t feel dizzy or nauseated. Instead of analyzing every single visual snapshot, we perceive an average of what we saw in the past 15 seconds. Caroline Delbert, contributing editor at Popular Mechanics, joins us for what this new research says.
Finally, a feel good story about community coming together to help without even asking why. Claire Rowan’s 16 year-old son Will, depends on a specific powdered infant formula as his only source of food. The problem happened when the FDA recalled that formula. That led to Rowan scrambling to find a replacement and posting to online groups where the community took it upon themselves to help track down more. Sydney Page, reporter at The Washington Post, joins us for how everyone came together to help.
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