Dark Money Has Infiltrated American Campuses - Here's How To Make Sure Your Money Is Clean

Dark Money Has Infiltrated American Campuses - Here's How To Make Sure Your Money Is Clean

By Money News Network

Your money is a vote; but it's not just where you spend it that matters, it's also where it comes from. Nicole knows people who have taken jobs at companies with iffy ethics and investments from nefarious sources. Do the ends justify the means? Nicole explores that question with Dr. Charles Small, a terrorism finance expert who founded the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy. Dr. Small illuminates the money trail of funds to American universities from Qatar— a country known for supporting terror groups, including Hamas, the group responsible for the attack in Israel last week. Then, Nicole is joined by Peter Rahbar, a workplace legal expert and lawyer, on what entrepreneurs should do to make sure their investments don't come with unethical strings attached.
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