Marina Gerner’s Vagina Business

Marina Gerner’s Vagina Business

By Standard Issue

When journalist Marina Gerner heard about a potentially life-changing innovation in heart health for women, she was keen to spread the word. But why were none of her usual editors interested in this “niche” subject area? In her new book, The Vagina Business: The Innovative Breakthroughs that Could Change Everything in Women’s Health, Marina takes us through the new technology that could make women's lives infinitely better – and the reasons why many of these innovations are not getting the financial investment they need. In this episode, she chats to Jen about funding and research gaps in women’s health, BS in the boardroom, and that old chestnut: relatability.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Marina Gerner’s Vagina Business
Marina Gerner’s Vagina Business
Standard Issue Podcast