Talking Dateline: Shining Star

Talking Dateline: Shining Star

By NBC News

Josh Mankiewicz talks with Dennis Murphy about his episode “Shining Star.” In 2009, criminal defense attorney, Chiquita Tate, was found stabbed to death in her Baton Rouge, Louisiana law office. After an exhaustive investigation, authorities zero in on their suspect. Chiquita’s sister Danita Tate joins the conversation to discuss her advocacy work in educating the community on domestic violence. Josh and Dennis talk Murphy’s Law and how Dateline episodes get their titles.

Get resources on domestic violence:

Learn more about Juantonja Richmond’s case:

Listen to the full episode of “Shining Star” on Apple:

Listen to the full episode on Spotify:

Talking Dateline: Shining Star
Talking Dateline: Shining Star
Dateline NBC