Laura Bates is a sister of fire and fury

Laura Bates is a sister of fire and fury

By Standard Issue

Feminist, activist and best-selling author Laura Bates first came to attention as a fierce feminist voice 12 years ago when she started the Everyday Sexism Project. She’s since written a slew of brilliant, if enraging, non-fictions about how women and girls are treated, and quite rightly become a bona fide icon.  In this episode, she’s chatting to our Mick about the grim state of the world when it comes to male violence against women and girls, how she holds onto hope, why she’s reimagining the Arthurian legends in her YA novels Sisters of Sword and Shadow and Sisters of Fire and Fury, and the importance of finding feminist joy. Oh, and how she’s a dab hand at horseback archery these days. Sisters of Fire and Fury is published by Simon & Schuster on October 10. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Laura Bates is a sister of fire and fury
Laura Bates is a sister of fire and fury
Standard Issue Podcast