Discover Joseph Bologne and The Anonymous Lover

Discover Joseph Bologne and The Anonymous Lover

By LA Opera

Mysterious letters, secret admirers - The Anonymous Lover (L'Amant Anonyme)is a comedic delight but is rarely performed. So how did this charming opera, written by Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges--a contemporary of Mozart and one of the first Black classical composers known to history, become neglected? Hear from director Bruce Lemon Jr., dramaturg Ariane Helou and bassoonist Andrew Brady about Bologne's fascinating life and learn what it takes to stage a multi-media, socially-distanced opera. The Anonymous Lover will be available to watch from Saturday, November 14, at 5pm through November 29 at 11:59pm (PST) - Get your free ticket and more information here:…-anonymous-lover/
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