A good honest conversation never hurt anyone, Fols Forever, Mr Vans & Chrissy are back for another weeek of podcasting, this epsiode they are joined by writer, producer & actors Julez & Dorcas!!
On the agenda this......
- Securing funding for creative projects
- Julez & Dorcas’s ‘For The Culture’ tv teaser
- Hobosexuals, SleepBae, Yoruba demons, Why do you love me & soft launches
- Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker engagement
- Aml Ameen to play Martin Luther King Jr
- DJ Uncle waffles going viral
- Dating people based off their musical taste
- Red pill or blue pill
- What are we watching? BMF Starz review
- NEW MUSIC - Adele’s new single, Summer Walker ft JT, Young Thug album + more!!
JULEZ’s fundraising page - https://www.gofundme.com/f/fundraising-for-for-the-culture-ftc-tv-teaser?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet+spider2c
Please make sure you like, comment & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel - https://youtube.com/channel/UCrpoaVInsRWJUGGHlehMpaw
Twitter/Instagram - @offthecuffpod
Fols - @folsforever
Vans - @mrvans7
Julez - @julezkatrina / @julezmontana88
Dorcas - @purplenightcol