The shooting down of KAL007, the Able Archer exercise and the nuclear war scare of 1983 (229)

The shooting down of KAL007, the Able Archer exercise and the nuclear war scare of 1983 (229)

By Ian Sanders

The year 1983 was one of the most dangerous in human history. While the Cuban crisis was exceptionally dangerous and both the United States and the Soviet Union had significant nuclear arsenals in 1962, a war in 1983 would have likely ended the human race. Brian Morra was Chief of Intelligence Analysis for US Forces Japan at Yakota airbase when on 1st September 1983 an unarmed Korean airliner was shot down by a Soviet fighter causing the deaths of 269 people. He describes the less well known subsequent incidents between Soviet and US military aircraft which almost resulted in a shooting war between the two superpowers. During this period the Soviet leadership believed the US was going to launch a nuclear attack on their country. Their paranoia was heightened by several incidents during 1983 which are dramatized in Brian’s new novel “The Able Archers”, which is based on his experiences during that period. UK listeners buy the Able Archers book here US listeners buy the Able Archers book here Robert M. Gates, former CIA Director and Secretary of Defence describes “The Able Archers” as “a powerful reminder of the value of human judgment—and the continuing peril posed by nuclear-armed powers.” I could really use your support to continue the podcast. A simple monthly donation will get you the sought after CWC coaster as a thank you and you’ll bask in the warm glow of knowing you are helping to preserve Cold War history.  Just go to I am delighted to welcome Brian Morra to our Cold War conversation…  Brian's Web site There’s further information on this episode in our show notes which can also be found as a link in your podcast app here. If you can’t wait for next week’s episode do visit our Facebook discussion group where guests and listeners continue the Cold War Conversation. Just search Cold War Conversations on Facebook or click here 0:00 Introduction and background of Brian Morra 7:12 The 1983 incident involving U.S. Navy aircraft over Soviet territory 17:12 Discussion on the shooting down of the Korean airliner KAL 007 30:03 The hostile incident against the US intelligence collection aircraft 41:44 Discussion on Stanislav Petrov, the man who saved the world 56:14 Leonard Peroot's personality and professional skills and role in defusing the Able Archer 83 crisis 1:04:58 Reflection on the book's portrayal of the 3 major flashpoints of 1983 1:11:39 Recollections of decision-making during the Cold War 1:19:33 Acknowledgement of patrons and how to become a patron 1:21:03 Final goodbye Table of contents powered by PodcastAI✨ Support the project! Follow us on Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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