Debt, Rates, and Economic Realities - Chris Markowski #6175

Debt, Rates, and Economic Realities - Chris Markowski #6175

By Kerry Lutz

Kerry Lutz and Chris Markowski engaged in a comprehensive discussion about the current political and economic climate, highlighting concerns over rising bond yields and skepticism regarding China's economic stability, particularly its real estate challenges and ineffective stimulus measures. Markowski criticized the recent 50 basis point rate cut as unjustified, pointing out the alarming national debt situation where interest payments dominate the federal budget. He expressed worries about the commercial real estate market, suggesting it is in a worse state than during the Great Recession, and criticized the government's "extend and pretend" approach to debt management. The conversation also touched on taxation, with Markowski advocating for a national sales tax over income tax, emphasizing the need for a repeal of the income tax to avoid complications. Find Chris here: Find Kerry here: FSN and here:
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