Confessions - I get mean when I'm overwhelmed

Confessions - I get mean when I'm overwhelmed

By Anna Mathur

Welcome to the very first Friday episode of a brand new series of The Therapy Edit! 

Today Anna tackles an anonymous Confession from the Therapy Room;

"My confession is that when I’m easily overwhelmed, I can say the unkindest things to my husband that make me go cold when I think about them in a neutral environment."

Anna replies with some compassionate advice and tips that will help everyone, regardless of whether they can relate to this confession or not.

Do you have an Ask Anna question you'd like to submit for future episodes? Or an anonymous confession? Visit the website to learn how 

Please note - the names and voices of some of the Ask Anna/Confessions contributors may have been changed at their request.
Confessions - I get mean when I'm overwhelmed
Confessions - I get mean when I'm overwhelmed
The Therapy Edit