Ask Anna - I want to be confident like you!

Ask Anna - I want to be confident like you!

By Anna Mathur

In this second Monday episode of the brand new Ask Anna series, Anna is joined by Tiwalola Adebayo Confidence Coach, Author, and Founder of Confident and Killing It.

Together Anna and Tiwa tackle the following question: 

"I really admire how you use your voice for good and for change & ultimately to support and help people with their mental health and growth. I have so much to say but I just cannot find the confidence to share my true authentic voice, my thoughts & knowledge. How do I open up my voice and share authentically."

Do you have an Ask Anna question you'd like to submit for future episodes? Or an anonymous confession? Visit the website to learn how 

Learn more with Tiwa

Tiwalola Adebayo (née Ogunlesi) is a globally recognised coach specialising in positive psychology, international speaker, author and the founder of Confident and Killing It. Confident and Killing It is a purpose driven organisation and community that wakes women up to their worth so they can be confident, unstoppable and dare to live the life they truly desire. Through engaging and practical workshops, media and coaching programmes, Tiwalola equips women with the tools they need to overcome fear and self-doubt, programme their minds for success and live out their biggest dreams. Her first book Confident and Killing It was published by HarperCollins in July 2022, to great acclaim.

Web: IG: @Tiwalowla and  @Confidentandkillingit 
Podcast: Book: Available on Amazon

Please note - the names and voices of some of the Ask Anna/Confessions contributors may have been changed at their request.
Ask Anna - I want to be confident like you!
Ask Anna - I want to be confident like you!
The Therapy Edit