362. The Reality Of Parental Cheerleading: Mama D: Petals of Support
How do you switch things up in your podcast and collaborate with other creators? Is parental support always beneficial or can it have negative effects?
Today Mama D and I talk about evaluating one's values, setting boundaries, parenting, mental health, podcasting, trauma, and language learning. Reena emphasized the importance of trust and building it over time in relationships, and how love is a choice that evolves with age and experience.
Mama D is the host of Petals of Support podcast
The Stupid History Minute Binkies Mama D
The Stupid History Minute Jerry Springer
Connect with Reena bettercalldaddy.com linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts twitter.com/reenareena instagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts instagram.com/bettercalldaddypodcast Me and my dad would love to hear from you, Drop us a review, reviews help more people find the show, and let us know what you like and what you'd like us to change, Please share the show with one friend who you think would be helped ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy podchaser.com/bettercalldaddy Castmagic is the AI tool I use for show notes and podcast title ideas, it has helped save me tons of time. I talked about it in this episode. Please use my affiliate link if you sign up. https://get.castmagic.io/bettercalldaddy