Can We Reinvent the Justice System?

Can We Reinvent the Justice System?

By Monash University

The last episode of What Happens Next? explained what we learned from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADC) inquiry, why Indigenous incarceration rates remained so high in Australia, and its impacts on our society.


What needs to happen to shift the needle in this complex issue?


In this episode, Dr Susan Carland talks again with Monash University pro vice-chancellor (Indigenous) and head of its William Cooper Institute, Jacinta Elston; criminologist Kate Burns; and Meena Singh, legal director of the Human Rights Law Centre. 


These experts uncover some of the policies and initiatives needed for change to happen, and the role of localised actions as part of the solution.

‘With the last 30 years, they have been telling us, the community, what needs to be done to address this issue. So we need to be actually listening.’ Dr Kate Burns

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