Felipe Roa-Clavijo on "Feeding the village, nation, or world"

Felipe Roa-Clavijo on "Feeding the village, nation, or world"

By TABLEdebates.org

In our conversation with Felipe Roa-Clavijo (author of The Politics of Food Provisioning in Colombia: Agrarian Movements and Negotiations with the State), we discuss different narratives around food provisioning in Colombia, and find out which groups are promoting these different visions - to feed the village, feed the nation and feed the world. We talk about what it was like to be in the room during the negotiations between agrarian movements and the government, how Colombia&aposs food system compares to the rest of Latin America, and why food can offer a valuable entry point to addressing systemic issues.

For more info and transcript, visit: tabledebates.org/podcast/episode13

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