Bonus Episode: Your Low-Carb Diet Might Be Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Goals

Bonus Episode: Your Low-Carb Diet Might Be Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Goals

By Philip Pape, Evidence-Based Nutrition Coach & Fat Loss Expert

This conversation is from my appearance on The Healthification Podcast hosted by Kate Galli.

Kate invited me on her show toΒ  discuss becoming the strongest, leanest, healthiest version of yourself without dieting. We dug into the common mistakes smart people make when they&aposre not using their wits to build their best body. I shared insights on the importance of minimum effective dose to achieve health and fitness results, and the surprising factors that can increase or decrease your metabolism to make fat loss easier, without restrictive dieting.

We also discussed what to do instead of constantly dieting to achieve sustainable results. I provided strategies for busting through weight loss plateaus and how we can work with our human nature instead of fighting against it. We also touched on whether low-carb diets may be holding people back from getting lean.

Enjoy my conversation with Kate Galli!Β 

Episode resources:

The Healthification Podcast with Kate GalliEp 163: The Most Important, Overlooked Secret to Sculpting a Body You&aposll Love with Kate Galli

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