Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & 'Bounce' Resilient Children Dr Kate Lund
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Dr. Kate Lund.
Dr. Kate Lund is a licensed clinical psychologist and performance coach with more than fifteen years of experience. She has specialized training in medical psychology from Shriners Hospital for Children in Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, all of which are affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and she is an adjunct instructor in Psychology at Bastyr University in Seattle.
As a mother and a psychologist, Kate Lund is deeply concerned about the prevalence of social media, bullying, and anxiety in America when it comes to our kids. In BOUNCE she shares tips and tools on how to help children deal with anxiety which puts a spotlight on resilience and how it helps students thrive. Resilience is so important because it is what helps children bounce back from challenge and move forward despite the challenge.
There is some personal experience where this concept of resileince was drawn from. When she was a child, Kate was diagnosed with hydrocephalus which involved multiple surgeries where her head would have to be shaved. Her differences in appearance made her a target for the other children. With the guidance of her parents and her own resilience, she overcame and succeeded.