Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & 'Illustrated Herbiary' Maia Toll
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minuteinterview with Maia Toll.
Maia Toll opened the first Herbiary shop in Philadelphia in 2006 after returning from a year-long apprenticeship with an herbalist in Ireland. Maia believed, and still believes, that easy access to plant-based healing can cultivate love and respect for the natural world, even if you live in the most urban of spaces. Maia has taught plant medicine at universities, hospitals, and even in the Peruvian jungle but, these days, she prefers to focus on creating community around women's wisdom and spirituality, working through her online group The Medicine Keepers Collective. Her first book, The Illustrated Herbiary, hits the shelves today! The Illustrated Herbiary helps you create connection with the plants through ritual and reflection, using imagery to ignite your imagination. If you order your copy this evening, you'll still be able to get the free online class Maia offered for pre-orders, which she extended so listeners of Susun Weed radio can jump in. Get all the info at
this episode Q&A includes:
• is comfrey labeled Symphytum officinale safe to drink?
• calcified deposits in shoulder- seven medicines..
• hashimoto's- listen to yourself or your naturopath? Who knows your body better?
• rash on face and neck, burning irritating- hypericum perforatum..
• itchy flaky scalp- burdock seed oil, rosemary infused oil..
• can you find a use for what you have harvested? ONLY harvest plants you have a use for/ can make into medicine immediately!
• slow down and be a little wiser..
• you can get a diagnosis and treat that diagnosis, but you may not make yourself healthy by treating that diagnosis..