Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Mythic Medicine Amber Hill
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Amber Hill. Amber is a mother, herbalist, writer, teacher, podcaster, and river swimmer living in Northern California. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies from UC Davis and is endlessly interested in exploring the depths of consciousness and how humans make meaning. Alongside herbalism, she has immersed herself in the study of genealogy and deep ancestry, psychedelic healing, float tanks, grief and trauma, mythology, mycology, conscious death and home funerals, and empowered menstruation, sex, and childbirth.
this Q&A includes:
• vitamin D supplements - supplements are partial.. getting vitamin D from the sun, and shiitake mushrooms..
• digestive fire does not stay strong as we age- no need to beat yourself up over it..
• thyroid- iodine test, Ryan Drum, seaweed..
• explanation of the menstrual cycle..
• why to not use the word perimenopause- it is disempowering..
• cooking greens for at least 60 minutes..
• nettle infusions..
• when something upsets the mind, is there a belly ache to follow?