Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Feminist Witch Zsuzsanna Budapest

Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Feminist Witch Zsuzsanna Budapest

By susun weed

Zsuzsanna Emese Budapest was born in Budapest, Hungary, during a big winter storm on January 30, 1940. Her mother, Masika Szilagyi, was a medium and a practicing witch who supported herself and her daughter with her art, as a sculptress. Masika’s themes always celebrated the Triple Goddess and the Fates, and Zsuzsanna, “Z,” grew up respecting and appreciating Mother Nature as a god. Z has led rituals, lectured, taught classes, given workshops, written articles tirelessly, and published in hundreds of women’s newspapers across the country. She has powerfully influenced many of the future teachers and writers about the Goddess. The California Institute for Integral studies in San Francisco recognized Z’s contribution to Women’s Spirituality Movement. Today Z lives in Santa Cruz, California, giving workshops and lectures but always making time to smell the roses. She is the founder and director of the Women’s Spirituality Forum, a nonprofit organization sponsoring Goddess spirituality retreats and festivals for women and young girls. this episode Q&A includes: • cervical spondylosis- affirmations and visualizations give us our life back, comfrey.. • castor oil pack to treat bone spurs.. • every atom in my body is new every 7-10 days- atoms make up cells.. • a poultice or fomentation.. • low iron- red meat, liver, nettle infusion- plant iron needs animal iron to circulate in the blood.. • yucca used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis- desert southwest plant, preparations.. • soul retrieval by covering the body with the earth..
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