Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & ShamanWeaver Shiela Baker
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Shiela Baker. ShamanWeaver Shiela Baker helps people find passion, purpose & prosperity & feel better than they ever have!She is an author of two books on Shamanic journeying. With Soul retrieval and After-Care, opening the Akashic Records or shamanic counseling she assists people with PTSD depression and anxiety. Shiela facilitates profound life changes in her 6 months Cedar or her year-long Sage shamanic programs. By utilizing powerful spirit guides you have access to the realm of non-ordinary reality in which all healing is possible. Her insights, humor, and compassion create an atmosphere for empowered growth and healing. Join Shiela in Shamanic Spirit School or a seasonal retreat.
this episode Q&A includes:
• philosophy of cancer- supplements vs food and why you get more nutrition from nourishing herbal infusions as opposed to supplements..
• plantain is a miracle healer..
• motherwort tincture can be taken as often as needed, it is totally safe..
• what herbs to use against bacteria in the bladder..
• dilute tinctures in water to protect the tissues of the mouth..
• root allies to the rescue!
• lactuca genus- making potent medicine..
• eating seaweed..
• chickweed compress for inflammation around eyes..