Deirdre O'Kane: Meditation, Madonna & The Worst Business Class Flight Ever

Deirdre O'Kane: Meditation, Madonna & The Worst Business Class Flight Ever

By Global

This week we're joined by the fabulous comedian, actor, founder of Comic Relief in Ireland and podcaster Deirdre O'Kane.

Vogue and Deirdre chat about the time she made a taxi driver cry, an awful business class experience, her favourite Irish sayings, meeting Billy Connelly and having posh husbands.

Go and see Deirdre on tour! Get tickets here

Follow Deirdre on Instagram @deirdreokane123


Find Vogue on socials @voguewilliams and let us know who you want to hear from next!

Deirdre O'Kane: Meditation, Madonna & The Worst Business Class Flight Ever
Deirdre O'Kane: Meditation, Madonna & The Worst Business Class Flight Ever
Never Live It Down with Vogue Williams