Episode 111: What To Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Talk About Sex
Why is it so hard to talk to your partner about sex? You talk about everything else, but the minute it becomes about your sex life, they shut down. It’s not just you! In our recent Instagram poll, 52% of people reported having this issue with a partner.
In this episode, we dissect the four most common reasons why partners refuse to talk about sex, and help you understand the reasons your partner may behave this way. We give you specific examples of what to say (and not say) so you can get past the stonewalling and dismissal and have open and real conversations about your sex life.
So if you’re ready to break down some walls and create the intimacy you desire, then tune in!
Links & Resources:
Our Book: Sex Talks: The Five Conversations That Will Transform Your Love Life (https://sextalksbook.com/)
Free Guide: The Survivor’s Guide (http://vmtherapy.com/survivor/)
If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to subscribe for your weekly double date full of totally doable sex tips, practical relationship advice, hilarious and honest stories of what really goes on behind closed bedroom doors and so much more. It's the sex education you wish you had!
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Check out the show notes at vmtherapy.com/episode111