Episode 77: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Orgasms
There are few things in life we’re more passionate about than orgasms! We want you to understand them, have them, give them, and enjoy them! With so much misinformation out there, it can be tricky to separate fact from fiction. So we decided to create The Orgasm Episode, vulva owner edition!
We polled our Instagram audience for all the orgasm questions you want answered. We talk about everything from questions about clitoris size to squirting to wet dreams. Wanna know how to even identify an orgasm? Have you ever asked yourself why it seems so much easier for penis owners? We cover these hot topics and more as we dish the honest-to-goodness truth about the big O, and give you resources to help on your journey. And if you stick around to the very end, you’ll even get the answer to one of our more controversial questions - “Does Vanessa have an orgasm EVERY time she has sex?”.
Links & Resources:
Episode 11: How Vanessa Turned Her Orgasm Struggles Into A Sex Therapy Business!
Episode 49: The Truth About Squirting (And Why Men Are Obsessed With It)
Finishing School
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Check out the show notes at vmtherapy.com/episode77