Brain Clutter: Creating Mental and Spiritual Space for Yourself

Brain Clutter: Creating Mental and Spiritual Space for Yourself

By Cloud10

A practice of getting closer to your original self. Analysis, ambivalence, endless "stuff." Checking, pursuing, not knowing if any of it is right. When will I finally be happy? When I finish this thing? But then there’s that other thing I have to do. Hi friends! This power-up is a set of tools all about trimming out the mental work we create for ourselves and getting closer to your playful, original self. That mental work that seems to go in circles. In favor of something deeper and possibly more rewarding. For more personal play and exploration - here are a few books I enjoyed. xo Jung on dream analysis Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu Bodhisattva mind Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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