How much Plastic do you eat Everyday? The Science Behind Microplastics!
Did you know you eat about a credit card&aposs worth of plastic every week?
Plastic is in almost everything humans produce and consume these days. When plastic isn&apost reused, recycled, or properly disposed of it begins to break down in the environment. It breaks into tiny microscopic pieces called microplastics which can be found everywhere on the planet. They travel in rain drops, can be blown by the winds and are consumed by small organisms and biomagnify up the food chain. We are eating plastic and we don&apost even know it.
Want to find ways to stop contributing micro plastics into our natural environments? Consider choosing products with biodegradable packaging like he companies below!
Consider adding one of these filters to your washing machine!
Want to find your way away from other plastic in your life?
Check out companies like Little plastic Footprint who are making it easy for people to make the change!
Click here to see Dr. David Locky&aposs Website about his research oh and click here for his second website!
Are you interested in his latest journal article that concerns microplastics detected in the waters around Edmonton Alberta? Click Here to read it!
The ABP is establishing a conservation Aquarium in the Prairies to help tell the Story of Water.
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