Treasure Planet with Emma Stefansky

Treasure Planet with Emma Stefansky

By Blank Check Productions

This is the BOUNCE BABY!!! This week, the gang heads to 2002’s Treasure Planet. But what would the Phil Collins bump have done for this movie? Can a CGI character have a wig, when everyone’s hair is fake? Should this movie have been called “Poochie Planet”?  They are joined by guest Emma “BOOKS” Stefansky (@stefabsky, entertainment staff writer @thrillist). Also, stick around until the end to hear what Ben thinks of all the Harry Potter movies, especially Dobby.  Join our Patreon for franchise commentaries and bonus episodes. Follow us @blankcheckpod on Instagram, Threads, Facebook and X! Buy some real nerdy merch. Connect with other Blankies on our Reddit or Discord For anything else, check out  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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